As I heal my own racial wounds and internalized racism, I
seem to be attracting white people bringing up issues of race with me. It may
be that they feel safer with me, a petite Asian woman/yoga teacher/poet, than,
for instance, a pissed-off militant black man or woman. Or it may be I am the
only person of color they know well enough to bring up risky topics, and
besides, Asians are “honorary white people,” right?
Often these discussions become impassioned. After all, a
beast like global white supremacy won’t budge without a little …. feeling.
All too often, as the conversation progresses, my white
friend becomes uncomfortable. They claim I am shouting, that my anger is coming
from nowhere, that I vibrate hatred, that I hate white people, and
specifically, I hate them.
I know from anger. Not only are Koreans expressive,
passionate people, but I’m a fire sign, pitta dosha, and as the baby of my
family, the bearer of the emotional baggage. I was a rageful child and had
temper tantrums well into my grade school years, driving my parents crazy.
As a teenager and young adult I learned to channel my vague
sense of rage into art, dance, music, writing, activism, spirituality, and
more. I learned that my anger was larger than my personal wounds and unmet
needs, but also cultural and intergenerational. As an adult I began to
understand my anger in the context of deep injustice in a capitalist,
patriarchal white supremacy.
Despite my hours of meditation and yoga asana practice each
week, it’s still all too easy to marinate in anger if I am not channeling that
energy consciously into constructive projects. One foray into a racist, sexist
mainstream media can set me off, or any number of other prompts.
As for hatred, probably like many of you, I like to think I
bear hatred toward none. While I certainly have favorite folks to hang out
with, and others I choose not to, I don’t feel enmity toward anyone. Even when
I picture someone who has committed serious harm to me or others, I don’t feel
hatred. I feel compassion for their suffering or lack of knowledge that has led
them to harm others.
Do white friends and acquaintances wanting to talk about
race prompt my rage and hatred? Certainly the injustice and oppression wrought
by white supremacy should not be tolerated. Maybe the more constructive
question is: why aren’t more white people equally outraged about the system of
global white supremacy? Yes, even when I don’t hate the perpetrator of racism,
there are times when I hate the racism that runs this nation and the world.
Then my equanimity training kicks in and I realize that we attract what we
resist, and fanning the flames of aversion only keeps me trapped.
So all of this comes up as I discuss race in impassioned
conversations with white friends, when they stop and back off because I Am
Shouting and Raging and I Hate Them.
I discussed this phenomenon with an older white friend. She
attributed it to white people clinging to their privilege when they feel their
status being threatened. “White people aren’t used to seeing people of color as
their equals,” she admitted. So they may see an assertive, passionate person of
color as aggressive, threatening, angry, and hateful, when maybe, I’m “just
sayin’…..” Just speaking my truth clearly and directly, that’s all.
Dear White Friend,
Are you my ally? Do you really want to dismantle
racism/white supremacy, or are you trying to convert me to your point of view,
get me to salve your wounds, or flash your anti-racist resume to win points
from a person of color?
What are you passionate about? What do you raise your
voice over? Or were you brought up to keep strong feelings suppressed? Can you
experience strong feelings or disagreement without hating? Haven’t you had an
impassioned conversation with a teenage child or other family member that, even
though voices may have been raised, was not hateful or rageful?
I do not hate you. What a waste of energy that would be.
I hate the actions of white supremacy that oppress and exploit. Don’t you feel
the same way, and if so, why aren’t you expressing it? After all, white people
need to take responsibility for dismantling white supremacy.
For God’s sake, don’t be afraid of me. Walk side by side
with me. Join me in the sacred battle of eliminating oppression and exploitation
on every level. Confront your own anger so you don’t interpret every feeling I
have as rage or hate. Do your own inner work so you are not threatened by
strong feelings, and you feel your own feelings. Do your own research so you
don’t expect me to educate you. Meet me halfway at least, so you’re not coming
to me at the Racism 100 level when the rest of us are at the 700 level and ABD.
Most of all, stop taking stuff personally. What a
God-awful distraction and waste of time.
Of course we’re pissed off: if you’re not outraged you’re
not paying attention. But nobody’s hating on anybody. We’re too busy for that.
Let’s get to work.